Hey there,
I hope your week was smooth like the surface of a lake on a calm day.
Today, I want to talk about one simple yet profound teaching from the Daoist philosophy.
One of the key lessons from the dao is the idea of flowing. To flow means aligning yourself with life's natural rhythms, adapting with ease and without resistance—soft yet strong, like water running down a mountain.
Water, one of the simplest elements, has so much to teach us. And Daoists understood that.
It nourishes without expecting anything in return. It carves through stone without force. And it always finds its way around obstacles. Living in harmony with the dao means taking a page from water’s playbook: moving with ease and purpose. Without getting stuck or fighting battles that don’t matter.
But what about the outside forces that disrupt this flow?
What about the storms that shake life’s waters or the rocks that get in its way?
Nature teaches us that preventing disturbance is impossible.
The wind cannot be grasped, and the rain cannot be commanded to fall gently. Likewise, external forces—be they societal demands, unforeseen misfortunes, or personal hardships—will arise and disrupt our flow.
The dao teaches that we shouldn’t fight against disruptions with force because resisting only drains our life energy against something we can’t control. Instead, we should approach these challenges with openness, grace, and flexibility.
When a stream encounters a boulder, it does not resist but curls around it. It flows onward, seeking the path that aligns it once more with its natural course.
Reflect upon this in your own life.
Obstacles in life's flow can take many forms—grief, doubt, anger, or entanglement in desires. They are like debris in a river, causing the waters to stagnate. But when disturbed, pause and ask yourself: "What is the dao guiding me toward?" Often, the way forward is not in battling the obstacle. But in shifting to see the openings it offers.
But how?
How can I find the strength to flow around obstacles when it feels like everything is pushing against me?
Preparation lies not in rigid planning but in cultivating a supple mind and spirit.
Notice the blockage without judging it. Calling it "bad" is just another form of resistance. Instead, recognize that it’s there and give space for clarity to come through.
Clear your mind. Take a moment to focus on the stillness within. A busy mind holds onto problems. A calm mind lets solutions surface, like ripples gently spreading across smooth water.
Be patient. Water doesn’t rush—it keeps going. With steady effort, even the toughest challenges give way. Think of a drop of water slowly wearing down stone over time. A simple reminder that persistence and flexibility can succeed where force can’t.
If you hit an unmovable obstacle, don’t get stuck on forcing a single path. Real mastery comes from knowing when to adapt. Adapting isn’t giving up. It’s smart, flexible, and keeps you moving forward. Just like a river that can’t go through a mountain, it finds a way around.
So, what’s your way around?
Water doesn't question the path—it flows
When faced with storms, it does not despair—it adapts.
When stilled, it doesn't rage against its stillness—it reflects.
When submerged, it doesn't fight the current—it surrenders.
You, too, can live this way.
Align with the dao, and you will learn to meet disruptions with resilience, blockages with patience, and challenges with the quiet strength of water. Understand that being like water isn't the absence of obstacles. It's the graceful interplay of movement and stillness. Yielding and persistence.
Flow with life, not against it, and you will discover that all paths, even those filled with twists and turns, lead you home to harmony.
Where you will understand that the dao isn't separate from you—it is you.
Weekly Reflection
In what area of my life am I trying to force my way through obstacles instead of flowing around them?
🍵 Thank you for reading!
Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you! I hope they bring you a moment of reflection and a touch of peace.
Until next time, keep flowing.
– Zhenya
P.S. If you're new here, it's nice to meet you! I invite you to check out the past editions to get a sense of what my Teacup is all about. You might also enjoy my course, The way of the Dao, where you can uncover ancient Chinese wisdom that will help transform your life and find the inner peace you’ve been searching for.