Ever felt like nothing is going your way?
What you call a wall might just be a door you haven’t noticed yet
Hey there,
I hope your week has been going well so far.
In Rowan Davis' article, The Dao of Jung, Kyle Shepard asked some excellent questions. They were so thought-provoking that I felt compelled to explore them further here. I believe this discussion could offer valuable insights to more people.
So, today I want to talk about something that I'm sure we can all relate to: blockages or feeling like nothing is going our way.
It's a frustrating and demotivating experience. And it can often make us feel stuck and hopeless.
Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things just don't seem to go our way. We face obstacles and challenges that feel impossible to overcome. We make plans and set goals, but they never seem to come to fruition.
And it's easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and believe that there are some kind of blockages preventing us from achieving our desires.
And what do we do then?
We lose hope.
We give up.
And we limit ourselves.
That's it? Is this how you want your story to end?
If not, I can offer you another perspective.
The blockages that make our lives difficult are mental (e.g., responsibility, circumstances, expectations, etc.). And the interesting thing is that thoughts and beliefs create mental blockages.
But what does that mean? And why is this important?
Because it means you can always change or let go of these thoughts and beliefs.
Think about your blockage.
Is this responsibility, circumstance, etc. physically real? Or is it just your perception of it?
Let’s say you’re a highly self-aware person, and this isn't a matter of perspective. If it's a real blockage that you can't remove, then you can still always adapt to it. And you can always learn, grow, and evolve with it.
Let's say a person is building a business and somebody in their family gets so sick that they must take care of them. This is a real physical responsibility and circumstance. The person can usually no longer run their business in the same way. But they can adapt. For example:
They can find new ways to approach their work that accommodate their family's needs (e.g., better structures, switching to long-term plans, working fewer hours, more outsourcing, etc.).
They can focus on growing in other areas of their life while their business takes a backseat.
They can learn about emotional intelligence and patience during this period.
They can pause the business and wait until they have more time.
It may not be the path this person initially planned, but it is a path nonetheless. The truth is, there are always multiple paths available to us. And it's up to us to choose which one to take.
But the truly interesting question is this: do blockages exist at all?
If it's your perspective that it's a "blockage," is it a blockage at all?
If you can learn from the blockage, is it a blockage at all?
If you can adapt to the blockage, is it a blockage at all?
All blockages are opportunities for adaptation, growth, and learning. And they're never permanent, because you always have the power to change how you perceive and interact with them.
Wouldn't all of this make the whole idea of a blockage disappear?
Perhaps, then, what we call a "blockage" is simply another version of movement. Just slower, more complex, or more challenging than we expected. Maybe it's not an obstacle but a pause. A moment designed for reflection and recalibration.
When viewed through this lens, blockages stop being negative and instead become bridges—transitions to something richer and more fulfilling on the other side.
Keep looking closer, my friend. And you'll find that there are no blockages. Only opportunities for adaptation and growth. Embrace them with open arms and trust the journey.
So, the next time you feel like nothing is going your way and all paths seem blocked, take a step back, adjust your perspective, and choose a new path. One that will lead you towards growth and opportunity.
Your story is still being written, and it's up to you how it unfolds.
So, what will your next chapter be?
Weekly Reflection
What new paths can I explore, even when it feels like all doors are closed?
🍵 Thank you for reading!
Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you! I hope they bring you a moment of reflection and a touch of peace.
Until next time, stay open.
– Zhenya
P.S. If you're new here, it's nice to meet you! I invite you to check out the past editions to get a sense of what my Teacup is all about. You might also enjoy my free course, The Way of the Dao, where you can uncover ancient Chinese wisdom that will help transform your life and find the inner peace you’ve been searching for.
I left a comment and for some unknown reason my rely was not posted. Something about could not find server, but could have been something I did. I’m in bed shape, emotionally and physically so, of course, I feel unable to think much and wonder how I’ll get going. My daughter used to help me a little, but now is sick, working and with non-contributing husband she won’t divorce. Ah boy, I forget to pray and forget to drink water, so I’ll be lucky to remember to come back to this site, but will try. Thanks for your support