I left a comment and for some unknown reason my rely was not posted. Something about could not find server, but could have been something I did. I’m in bed shape, emotionally and physically so, of course, I feel unable to think much and wonder how I’ll get going. My daughter used to help me a little, but now is sick, working and with non-contributing husband she won’t divorce. Ah boy, I forget to pray and forget to drink water, so I’ll be lucky to remember to come back to this site, but will try. Thanks for your support

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I'm sorry that this happens to you, Guerriero!

I'm aware that many people are in many different life situations. And that many of us can get stuck in incredibly difficult, overwhelming or even traumatic situations. But life is full of unexpected twists and turns that can help us regain balance once again.

I want to share a perspective with you:

Try asking yourself what life might be trying to teach you through this experience.

Is it preparing you for something in the future?

Is it showing you strength that you didn't know you had?

Is it teaching you how to achieve great emotional and physical shape?

Is it guiding you towards a different path or a deeper understanding of yourself?

I know that it can be hard to see the bigger picture when we are in the midst of pain and struggle. But often, it's these challenges that lead us to valuable lessons and growth.

So, try to shift your focus towards what you can learn from this experience. It may not feel like it now, but in time, you may look back and see how this situation helped shape you into the person and soul you are.

Remember that life is always changing and nothing is permanent. This too shall pass and you will come out of it stronger than ever before. Have faith in yourself and trust that you have the strength to overcome anything.

And know that you are not alone.

There are others going through similar struggles and we can all support and learn from each other. Keep an open mind and heart, and be gentle with yourself as you navigate through this tough time.

You got this, Guerriero!

If there’s a topic or question you’d like to see from an Eastern philosophy perspective, please feel free to reach out—I’d love to dive into it with you in this newsletter!

Oh, and don’t forget to check out my "Way of the Dao," linked in this article. It might be just what you need to support your emotional and physical well-being.

Take care, my friend.

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