Hey there,
I hope your week has been smooth and stress-free.
Today, I want to talk about effort.
Have you ever felt like you’ve been working so hard and yet your efforts aren’t being rewarded?
That no matter how much effort you put into something, it seems to be getting nowhere?
And that no matter how many ideas you come up with or different strategies you try, nothing seems to be working?
It can be incredibly frustrating.
But it's so easy to fall into the trap of thinking that effort is the answer to all our problems. After all, this is what we're told to do. And what everyone else does.
Effort is praised.
Reps. Hustle. Grind.
Work hard. Put in the effort. Do whatever it takes to achieve your goals.
Well, what if I told you that your gut feeling was right?
That maybe the problem isn't with your effort.
And that sometimes putting in more effort isn’t the answer.
Imagine swimming against a strong current. No matter how hard you try, you'll just end up exhausted and barely making any progress. The same goes for our efforts in life. If we're constantly pushing and striving without aligning ourselves with the natural flow of things, we'll just end up burnt out and unfulfilled.
Don't get me wrong, effort is important. It's what drives us to reach our goals and achieve success. But sometimes, we can become so fixated on putting in more effort that we forget to take a step back and see if we're actually moving in the right direction.
Focusing too much on striving and pushing ourselves because we think effort is the only way to succeed can backfire. When we try too hard and push past our limits, it can actually do more harm than good.
It can lead to burnout or lower motivation levels.
It can make you feel overwhelmed or stuck in a rut.
Sometimes, it can even make you physically sick from pushing yourself too hard.
I believe this is not an ideal way to reach a destination. It’s counterproductive at best.
On the other hand, there are times when less effort produces more results.
When we let go of resistance and surrender to the natural flow of things, opportunities and solutions seem to present themselves effortlessly. It's like going with the current instead of against it. Everything becomes easier and more enjoyable when we're in alignment with the natural flow of life.
But why is that so?
Why does surrendering and going with the flow sometimes produce better results than putting in more effort?
Because when we let go of resistance, we open ourselves to possibilities. We become more aware and receptive to perspectives, ideas, and opportunities that were there all along. We simply couldn't see them because we were too focused on striving.
But that still leaves an important question: How do I know if I'm swimming against the stream? How do I know if I'm pushing too hard or if I need to put in more effort?
The answer is simple: listen to your intuition and pay attention to the signs.
If you're feeling drained, exhausted, or overwhelmed, it might be a sign that you're pushing yourself too hard and should take a step back. If you're constantly struggling and facing roadblocks, it might be a sign that your current approach isn't working and it's time to try something new or seek help.
Effort matters. But it’s only truly worthwhile when it aligns with your goals and the flow of your life. Don’t be afraid to step back, rethink what you’re putting your energy into, and make changes if needed. Always take time to reflect and ask yourself some uncomfortable questions.
Are my goals in line with my values?
Am I using my strengths to their fullest potential?
Am I truly passionate about what I'm working towards?
Trust yourself and have faith that by letting go of resistance, you can open the door to greater clarity, ease, and success.
So, next time you find yourself struggling and putting in more effort without seeing results, remember that it’s not always about the effort.
Sometimes, it's about letting go and aligning yourself with the natural flow of things.
Weekly Reflection
What's one part of my life where I can let go and align more with the natural flow?
🍵 Thank you for reading!
Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you! I hope they bring you a moment of reflection and a touch of peace.
Until next time, stay effortless.
– Zhenya
P.S. If you're new here, it's nice to meet you! I invite you to check out the past editions to get a sense of what my Teacup is all about. You might also enjoy my free course, The way of the Dao, where you can uncover ancient Chinese wisdom that will help transform your life and find the inner peace you’ve been searching for.
there is draft I am working on that is along the same line. great to read your perspective!
Great piece - straightforward and powerful. Aligning goals with core values is so meaningful to me. I appreciate your emphasis on paying attention to our intuition and recognizing the signs that guide us. We can then thoughtfully choose our battles.
Thanks for sharing your insights once again! I appreciate reading them.