it's still mindblowing to me how deep Feng Shui, the five elements, and yin yang are embedded in our culture, even if I live in such a culture my whole life. from the "fire" in my name, how people set up their homes and offices, choosing dates for important events like wedding and moving-in to a new home, or in a large scale of how Qi flow around the city. this is all so fascinating and we don't think about it enough.

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I find it absolutely fascinating! I think that you still give it far more thought than we do here in Europe/the West. And even if not, this knowledge works on a subconscious level for you, ultimately benefiting you in the long run—which is pretty amazing.

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i would agree, or at least it is so for me. I have a default mindset of 中庸之道 to find the balance in everything I am trying to do, being aware of where are the extremes and find a path through the middle. indeed, like your title, this is the way of dao that we are all learning to live.

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That's exactly what I mean. Typically, Western cultures don’t adopt this mindset as a default. While I can see things are starting to shift, it still hasn’t become the norm.

Yes, we are all in the same boat.

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